Support the Project

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Philosophy Data Project! Apart from just telling your friends about it, there are three main ways you can help out.
Contribute Financially
Web hosting for the site and the various features isn't free, especially because of the volume of data involved (over 340,000 individual sentences are in the corpus,
not to mention all the various models and word vectors). If you'd like to contribute to help cover those costs and fund the expansion of the project, you can do so at our Patreon.
If a one-time donation is more your style, you can contribute via Paypal or Venmo - simply contact us for details. Any contribution, no matter
how small, is greatly appreciated.
Contribute Your Texts
If you've got pdfs or other digitized texts you'd like to contribute to the project, we'd love to have them! The best way to coordinate the transfer is to send me an email at From there we can discuss cleaning, formatting, what school it should be classified as, and all that fun stuff.
Contribute Your Research
Our complete dataset is available for download here. If you're a researcher and want to share your work with the world, we'd be honored to feature your work on the
blog. Simply email me at and we can sort out how you'd like things to be formatted and presented for publication.